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- How to Become RICH -

The truth is that to become rich everything what it takes is a decision. Its that ultimate decision that you are going to become rich no matter what happens or will happen you. Everything start find finding your purpose, with finding that one thing that you love to do. I know that most of the people think that they do now what they love to do but the thing is that it is not really a truth. For the start one should go on some calm place where he is not going to be interrupted from outside world and ask himself a question " What is it that I love to do, what is it that can make my dreams come true ?". It MUST BE something that you love because only when you do something which you love you will never quit. Also the truth is that only love is able to bring a fruit upon you. You also need to start working on yourself, to start developing virtues only rare human beings on thins planet posses and one of them is patience, you need to become a patient human being because only with patience you will also be able to reach that day when the dreams are manifesting in to the reality. Persistence is also one thing you need to learn, you need to find every day prescribed amount of time when you are purposely going to work on your love, on that thing which you wish to produce or make in this world. The thing about when we are doing something which we love is that, we have that holly feeling which is hard to describe. Its something like that you are possessed with some divine power and the time stopped. In those holy moments your mind is going to become inspired, you are going to become a vessel of inspiration and every time you do it you will also find a new ways how to improve the thing on which you are working at. Also one of the most important things when not the SECRET is to follow your hearth. The path of your hearth is a path of success. Its actually simple as that, to become rich if you think that the wealth is something which is describing you as a person the only thing you should do is to find something you love and follow your hearth no matter what your hearth is saying you that you need to do. The truth is that, when you follow your hearth you are allowing yourself to be in a positive flow of energy, you are allowing yourself to get the things you love, you wish and as you can see the only love is able to bring the fruit in material way but also in all other ways of life. Thanks for reading and don’t forget FOLLOW YOUR HEARTH !

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