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Transforming Words in REALITY

Transforming Words in REALITY

Looking at my hand and focusing on the voice within me I’m noticing that the voice is dictating and that the hand is writing. Marvelous thing. And how to achieve total synchronization, how stop doing all the things which body is doing automatically and how to do only things which voice is saying. Its like you are trying to achieve perfection, its like you are trying to take the control over yourself but also over your body. Maybe its only a thought but why do I then believe in it ? somehow I know that that’s the way I should go, its about thinking positive, about thinking that its already accomplished, that I already achieve it, may so I will also achieve it. But then if I say maybe, is it then not lack of the faith. No, not this time, this time I know that I am going to make hob done, that I’m going to achieve it because I believe in it with all my soul, with all my hearth. The mind is going to become a king but my will, my wish is going to be a leader of my body, of my mind and of my soul. The control is established already, there are still things on which I am doing to become even better, things which are going to improve me, trough which I am going to reach higher level. Its about pious inner settings, its about consciously leading my spirit and not to be lead from him. The words are magic, they manifest themselves in reality just like the thoughts do, that’s the reason why I am controlling my tongue, not because I am anti social or because I am afraid to say something false because I’m not, but because that’s only one place upon I reached control over myself. I know what my whole life and when you know it the life, your life is showing you the way. That’s the reason I`m following it and I will never stop doing it anymore. Thanks for reading and have a nice day. 

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