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- Astral Projection - Discovering Myself

- Astral Projection - Discovering Myself

Did you ever heard for the word Astral Projection ? Do you know what is it about ? What if I say you that its about leaving your body and going on some other place, on the place which is limitless and where you can be everything you ever wanted to be. It’s really true and it does exist. It’s about discovering yourself, about allowing yourself to be what you really are, about leaving this world and about going in to the quantum field, about going to the place which is called none seen. You know from the day you find courage and from the they when you allow yourself to follow that tiny little whisper within you, you are going to find your true self, you are going to find your life purpose. The thing about Astral projection is that for the beginner it is a bit hard to achieve but trough the practice and the repetition everything is possible, trough the practice until the mastery. It everything starts when you go in to the bed, when you are purposely going to sleep. The thing is that you need to catch yourself par times before you fall in sleep. Its a mind game, and your mind is nothing else then the tool of creativity if you know how to use it. Also you need to be totally relax, you need to relax yourself until you are not feeling your body and the only thing which you can feel is nothing else then your head. This you can achieve trough vast breathing techniques. Also when you are in totally relaxed state you need to close your eyes and focus yourself on the black. More you are focused sooner you are going to fall in to the sleep. First time to catch yourself is not so hard. You are going to notice that your mind is starting to fall a sleep and then you are consciously going to catch yourself and become wide awake, but always with closed eyes. The second time is a bit catchy because your mind is a really powerful enemy. But if you are able to catch yourself second time and one more time you are consciously awake, start visualizing a cube. This cube is moving slowly towards you and from you. Your are also visualizing your body and your body is moving synchronized with the cube. That means, when the cube is moving towards you, you are also moving towards the cube. Take it slowly. Let the moves be step by step. Take your time visualizing the cube, it needs to be like a reality. When the moment comes that cube is in front of you and you can reach it, grab it and let it pull you out of the body. WELCOME IN TO THE LAND OF DREAMS. Explore yourself, find your purpose in the land of the dreams and achieve everything you SET YOUR MIND TO. 

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