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- Follow Your HEARTH ! -

- Follow Your Hearth -

The reality is a cruel place and the only thing which others wish to do is to use you. Sooner or later you are going to come on this knowledge so better now then later trough the experience on your own skin. The thing is that if we ask ourselves every morning in the mirror before we start the day “ If today is the last day of my life, is this what I wish to do today really what I wish to do ?”. If the answer is longer then 2 days the same you need to change something. That's the best method to avoid thinking that you have something to lose, because you are already naked and you cant lose nothing. Its about taking the risk, about going in the unknown. Thats the reason majority are not doing it, because you are leaving your comfort zone, because in comfort zone you can not grow as a human being. If today is the last day of your life would you follow your hearth and do everything what it says. Indeed my friend, you would without thinking about it. But if you start to live everyday of your life as if its the last day of your life, you, are start to evolve, to transform yourself, to become something better, something beautiful. You see your hearth is always sending you on the road to have the things which you really wish to have, to achieve, mostly because you are connected to those things, there are feelings within you which are connected to those things. And when you decide that you are going to follow it, you are also going to get it. The thing is my friend that people are egoist, that means that they only love themselves. Its our nature, its our survival instinct, we all are born with it. To fight it is hard thing to do, tho not impossible, because everything on which you set your mind upon is also achievable if you put the work in and never give up working towards it. Also one of the things about people these days is that they hearths are poisoned. Now I would tell you why they are poisoned, because there is really logical explanation for it. More you are not giving to your hearth things which it seeks, more you are working against him and more you are working against him, more you are going to feel yourself bad, more you are feeling yourself bad, more negative emotions is going to develop themselves within you and more negative human being you are going to become. As you can see, we should learn to be humble, we should learn to follow that voice within us, and one of the ways to follow it, is to ask yourself every morning the question already written up. I wish you all luck and happiness in your life, and from the day when you truly decide to follow that little voice within you your whole life is going to change. Thanks for reading and God Bless You !

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