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- First Day of Summer -

- First Day of Summer -

The days are getting longer, the Sun is outside already in the morning, the life is beautiful, the nature is awaken in his whole shine. But what's with the humans, when is day going to come when the human being, the most intelligent specie on the whole planet is start to shine, shine brighter then the sun ? You know, everything starts with a decision, with a decision that you are going to be happy no matter what. Its about the inner fight, the fight within you. If you start your day with the gratitude, everyday the more things is going to come upon you for which you will need to be grateful. Its so easy. You know, the thing is that the most people these days are not happy with they life's, huge amount of the people is depressed and full of stress, but to find happiness you should not search it outside, or even in the material things. The happiness is nothing else then the feeling, and because its a feeling it lies in your power to be happy. If its a feeling it means its within you, you just need to find a way how to reach it, how to activate it. Did you ever tried to search a happiness in small things, to be happy for the wind which you are noticing on your face, to be grateful for that singing of the birds, for the new day, for the new opportunities which are going to come upon you today, to be happy for those opportunities and for seizing them. Yes those are the little things, for seeing a butterfly. The happiness is everywhere where you look, but you need to find a way to see it. How can you see it if you are whole day sad, if you are only thinking about a bad things ? Thinking negative is not a way to reach your happiness. Trough the power of the negative thinking only negative emotions are able to come upon you. You see, its a mindset, a state of mind. The truth is that more you are thinking in a negative way more negative you are going to become, more negative you are going to feel and the reverse. Do you see the connections, that means that to find your happiness you should change your way of thinking, you should try to think more positive. When that bad thought comes in your mind, become aware of it, become aware that its nothing else then a thought, become a observer of your own thoughts, and filter them, transform your bad thoughts in to a positive ones. You are shaping your reality trough your thoughts. That means that nothing else then your mind at this moment is your enemy. You need to train it, you need to take the control upon it. When I say to train it, then you need to train it to think positive, because only as such you are able to experience everything you seek, everything for what your soul is burning. And everything starts with a decision, with a decision that you are not going to be mad anymore, with a decision that you are stop being aggressive, with a decision that no matter what happens you are going to save your patience, with a decision to put effort in to a practice, to put a practice in thinking in more a positive way, just so you can help to yourself and stop all those negative emotions trough which you are powered. Hope so I was able to brought you a bit of understanding, a piece of value how you can start changing your life in this moment. Cheers and God Bless You !

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