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- The Truth Behind The Ideas -

- The Truth Behind The Ideas -

You know, almost everyone on this planet has an idea, know what is it that they wish to be, but the truth is that most of the people never achieve what they wish to become. Did you ever asked yourself, what is a reason for not living your dreams ? The answer is quiet very simple. No matter how good your idea is, it can even be the best idea on the whole world, if you are not working on your ideas they are always going to stay nothing else then the ideas, or to be precise thoughts. The thing is that majority is dreaming how it would be nice to live the life of they dreams and they are somehow dreaming it on they daily basis. But the truth is that they don’t do anything about it. They only dream about it. When you got that idea, no matter how big or small it is, you need to start acting on it. If you are confident about yourself and about your idea there is no reason why you should not try to realize it. The thing is that to realize your idea you need to become someone else, to become better human being. That is also one of the reasons why most of the people are not wiling to work on they own ideas, because they are afraid of changes. The changes are actually good, every time you change yourself purposely that means that you developed yourself, that means that you developed part of your will. No matter what you wish to be or to become, if you are not willing to take actions you are always only going to live in the clouds. The best way to develop your ideas is to make a plan. I know that most of the people these days are not planing, that is also one of the reason why most of the people live average life. Because, what can you except from the life which is without plan. Its like you are drifting trough the life without a goal, without a purpose and you don’t know in which way are you going. I am aware that, that is easy way to live, but just because of that, just because it’s easy you are not getting what you wish to get, what you heart is seeking. You know that you are changing your life when the things start to become hard. Because every time when the things become hard you are actually fighting against yourself. The truth is that most of the people are not fighting against themselves also because its easy way of living. But that is one of the reason why almost whole planet is in debt. You know, majority is going to give even a last penny to satisfy they desire even if at the end of the month you don’t have anythings to eat, or you need to use your credit card so you can live trough the rest of the month. The thing is that you need to learn to not only to control your desires, but also yourself. They say its the hardest mastery which one can develop. But believe it or not the only mastery when you master it which is going to achieve your dreams, which is able to transform your dreams in to the reality. Thanks for reading and God Bless You !

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