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- Revealing The Future of Man Kind -

- Revealing The Future of Man Kind -

I’m not the prophet, but I am the vessel of the God because everything that comes out, out of my mouth are the words form the within. I’m possessed with Spirit of the King Solomon and I will tell you a story. It everything started when I was young, when I was actually born’ed. There was that voice within me which always talked. And somehow I don’t know why but I always followed that tiny little whisper. I am not saying that I am special or something like that because most of the people are following it unconsciously. The thing is that also majority do not have the courage to follow it and he is trapped in them. I as a different type of human was following it until the age of 20. And then I quit. The thing is that when you start ignoring it you are losing the control over yourself, and more you are not following the whisper is becoming quieter. But why is he becoming quieter. Because you are ignoring it unconsciously. But then after 9 years leaving the life in ignorance something happened. He started to talk one more time, and not that he was talking only talking, he was yelling and I let it go. I let everything to come on the surface, I release the words from within and now I am calm like a water and I am following it one more time. The thing is that when you are ignoring it, you are going against yourself. You can live your life but never ignore that voice and in the moment when he pops, do exactly what he is asking you to do, because that voice somehow knows that you are in danger, thats the reason he pop'ed out, hes there to save you. You know to establish the connection with him you will need to suffer, I DID AND I AM GLAD I DID. I enjoy the suffering these days, I enjoy the pain I enjoy leaving the comfort zone. Thats the reason I am writing you this letter, so you do not need to go on the place where I was, just to learn it. You know when one starts following it he is going to change your life for 180 degree. The thing is that because you are following, you are also honest human being, you are living in the reality, in the moment and because of the honesty most of the time you are going to be left alone because these days people do not love honesty they even call it the speech of the hate. I do not know at this moment why do they call it speech of hate but the moment will come when I will come upon the knowledge, but then logically thinking its only to wake up fear in people so they don’t follow it. You know the thing is that they can not delay it as much as they think they can, because the people have slowly start to wake up. It's always that way, when your spirit seas that you are unhappy with your life, you'r spirit is going to become mad because you are unhappy with him, because he lives in you. And when he sees that you are unhappy with him, because its the spirit and because it always seeks the growth, he is going to send you on the path of improvement, of growth, on the path which is going to be the path of universal laws, the natural laws which are above our mortal laws and as such you are going experience the happiness which you never felt before. Thanks for reading and God Bless you !

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