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Revealing The Happiness Within You

Revealing The Happiness Within You

There are so many things I wish to do, I wish to achieve in my life. But where to start, how to find a way. Well maybe everything starts with this letter, the letter of love.You know most of us, are unhappy with our lives, but why, what does it take to find happiness, what does it take to be happy ? Well my friend, we human beings are taking the concept of happiness all wrong. Most of us are searching happiness in that shiny new dress, shiny new suit, shiny new car, wow I wish that shiny new diamond ring. Yes, material thing can bring you happiness, but only in that moment when you get it and its only because your mind is inspired, its only because your mind got what he wanted to have. But the true happiness and pure one, the one which is like a drug, can not be find in material things. The real happiness lies within us. But how to reach it, how to activate it, how to be happy one more time, like its a first time, how to find the key which unlocks the doors of happiness and start consuming the best type of drug, the happiness ? The happiness is nothing else then the feeling, just like all other feelings, but the thing is that happiness is the positive one. Most of the people are consumed with negative feelings these days. When you are outside and when you are walking on the street, its really hard to find someone who is honestly happy with himself and with his life. Most of the time the people are cynically laughing. That means that the laugh is not real that its a fake and if you set your focus on the mimic and the gesture of the head you are really going to see that its fake. Yes that is the reality in which we are living these days. But there is one type of human beings which are every day happy, which are everyday living the life on its fullest. The KIDS my friend. Do you see that shine in the eyes, do you see that happiness on they face, do you see how they radiate the positive energy. But what is the secret of they happiness ? Well the secret is that little kids are students in this world from the day they are born. They came on the world not knowing a thing, or maybe they already know everything but they forgot it when they are borned because the soul is the one which posses all unknown and known knowledge. Yes, majority of the people have stop learning, stop developing themselves and it became a habit. When not wanting to develop yourself becomes a habit you are doomed my friend. Also the second part of the secret is that kids are following they hearth, the grown human beings somehow stopped to do it or maybe they even forget how to do it. But the most important part or I could say the key to happiness is the positive way of thinking. The kids are thinking positive that is the fact. Even when they are crawling, to start walking they first need to see themselves how they walk, so the will to learn to walk can come upon them. As you can see, to see yourself how you achieved something what you wish to achieve is positive way of thinking. That is the deepest secret my friend. Don’t fool yourself that thinking negative you are preparing yourself for the negative because you are not. Thinking negative you are only damaging yourself because trough the negative way of thinking you are also getting all those negative emotions. Your thoughts are making the connections in your mind which are directly making all those chemical processes in your body which we cal feelings. Also my friend, the secret is really easy, but the real question is do you know how to use your imagination to start thinking positive one more time ? Are you able to seek positive no matter how big the negative is, because if you are, it is going to change your life !

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