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Fresh Update on Spiritual Synchronization

Fresh Update on Spiritual Synchronization

Did you ever asked yourself, what does it take to achieve the inner peace, what does it take to feel good one more time, what does it take to take everything you ever wanted for yourself ? Is it only for the chosen ones, is it only for the special ones, or is it even possible to achieve something like that, and if Yes how to do it, where can you find a guide, a blueprint on achieving it. Well my friend to make that everything it takes only a decision, the one against which you are not going to go against. The Path is actually really simple, to achieve all above the only thing you need to do is to follow your hearth. But how to follow your hearth, is it even possible to do it or everything is just a stupid quotation. Well to follow your hearth you need to follow your voice from within you, because that’s the voice of your hearth. You know, your hearth only wish whats the best for you, but that does not mean that you wish only whats best for you. The truth is that, that tiny little whisper is a Higher You and every time when it pops, its because you are or you are confronting yourself with something dangerous. I know that sometimes that voice is saying cruel things but my friend that voice is voice of your spirit of your soul and it can not be manipulated, tho there are ways how can you influence on it. If you are consciously following it and doing what he says soon you will notice that you are becoming calmer, that you are becoming more things which your hearth seeks for, more you are becoming what you wish. More you are following it, more you are better with yourself, more you are becoming a real, a true you. The thing is that to get everything you wish in your life, to achieve you dreams that is the only thing you need to do. Also following it and doing the things it says you are becoming harmonious human being, you are becoming the love, the peace, the vessel of the God. If that tiny little whisper is the voice of your soul, of your hearth, of your spirit, that means that it only lives within you and that your body is nothing else then the vessel, the vessel in which it lives. If its soul and the soul is immortal, if the soul is part of the God, does it then not mean that following it you are following the path of the God. I don’t know what you are seeking in your life, is it health, is it happiness, is it financial freedom, abundance in every aspect of your life, but to accomplish it you need to focus yourself on yourself. Not because people will say its bad, because only the people which do not have courage to follow it are the ones which says that its a bad thing to follow your hearth, but because you don’t care what other are thinking about you, what other are going to talk about you, at the end of the day you know that everything they say is nothing else then they own opinion, they own thoughts and as such they do not have anything to do with you but on the contrary everything to do with them, they are showing you what for character they have. Yes my friend, the hardest things on this planet are somehow the simple things. The hardest decision you can make is to start following yourself, because when you do it, you will see that you are going to stay without almost every friend you have, because you will see that all are actually living for themselves and no one cares about you and no one will if you are not going to care for yourself. Also the truth about love is that love starts with you, if you are not able to love yourself how can you love someone else and the opposite. Your inner world is a reflection of your world without, so to have abundant life my friend, your inner world need to become abundant. Now will the faith in The God and Yourself go outside and take everything what they said that you can not have !

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