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What does it takes to Change Your LIFE ?

- Why to Have TO DO List ? -

When we are talking about the to do list then we need to know that most of the people do know for it existence but also the truth is that they do not use it. The thing about to do list is that when you start using the to do list you stop managing the time and you are starting to menage yourself, you consciously start to control yourself trough the pen and the piece of the paper. Also the truth is that more you are using it with the time you will notice that more task you are writing on it, also more actions you will take. Its about taking the actions, its about living the life in the way you wish to live. I am aware that at the start it will not be easy, but more you are doing it more inspired you are going to be to see how you can achieve that all tasks are done. One of the biggest benefits is that trough the to do list you are transforming yourself in something else, in something you wish to become. Also the truth is that you are going to take more actions, you are going to be powered trough that to do list to make the job done, to succeed in your intentions. Everything about to do list is positive. More actions your own life takes, more opportunities you are going reveal. The thing about the opportunities is that they are actually everywhere around us, we just need to learn how to recognize them and that is able to do trough the to do list. Having to do list you are consciously transforming yourself in to a hard worker, in to a person which enjoys to work. Also evening when you go to bed you need to know that you are quicker going to fall asleep because you did everything, because your mind knows that there is no some task which you did not do. Also when the list starts to growth you are also starting to grow as a human being. At the start it will be hard to do all those tasks but you need to push yourself, you need to push yourself out of your comfort zone to see how does it seems when the job is done, and also you need to show persistence, because in 21 days its going to become your new habit, a positive one, a habit which has a potential to accomplish your dreams. The question is are you going to sacrifice those 21 days to form one of the most powerful habits out there or you are going to lead the average type of life, the easy one, the one which is hard to live. Thanks for reading and God Bless Your. I wish you also a wonderful day !

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