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To change your life is always simple but not easy. But why are always simple things so hard, so hard to do, so hard to achieve or do we only need to get used on it. Yes, maybe the answer is there, maybe that is the real answer on this question. Its like forming a new powerful habit, at the start its always hard but more you do it better you are becoming. Don’t know, but the only thing I know is that life is beautiful and everything starts with your thoughts. Don’t allow yourself to be drawn in the negative flow of energy, never allow to yourself to become consumed by negative energy because in those moments you are not serving the higher purpose. Yes my friend, how your way of thinking is so your life is. The thing is that its not easy to think positive, especially on this planet where almost all are thinking negative. And how to stay that positive then ? Well it starts with not taking everything to you hearth. It starts with not giving yourself stress, with taking the control over your focus, because on everything you are focusing yourself you are also giving the life to it. Its about living from within to without. The truth is that its simple way of living but the hardest one. Controlling yourself means controlling your spirit or I could say talking to yourself in a nice way. Never judge others because you are only judging and damaging yourself. Empathy is something for which majority never heard, but for sure is that people which knows what empathy is exist, they are only rare human beings. Somehow its easier to listen to replay then to listen to understand but the second option is always the best choice. Following your hearth is going to bring you everything you ever prayed for, so make sure that things for which you are praying for are worth because if not, pray to be saved from your prayers. You see the real path, the true path is the spiritual path. We all know it, but almost no one tries to live it, but why ? Because its hard ! But you know, like already said, with the time its going to become easier and also you are going to become better at it. So never hesitate to listen that whisper within you and do what he asks you to do. That tiny whisper is your higher self, the bigger you, the better you. The thing is that if you wish to have your inner peace you need to follow it. Yes the road is unknown but you need to have faith, first in the God and then in yourself because truth is that you are not sent on the path without the reason, you are purposely send there to learn something new. The creativity is the real thinking but how to use the imagination one more time ? Is it even allowed because when you are imagining things you are playing with your mind. If we look on the society, its not, but also the truth is that everything which you see around yourself came exactly from that place. Someone first needed to imagine it, to think about it, so he can make it. Yes my friend that is the secret you are searching for, no matter in what situation you find yourself you can always filter those moments trough the power of your imagination. Those new thoughts, those imaginary thoughts are becoming integrated part of you, they are like the seeds which are waiting for the right moment to start grow, to transform you in something else, in something bigger then you are now. So whatever it is or it still needs to be, take it slowly, live the moment, enjoy the moment and BE AWARE OF THE MOMENT !

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