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- Harmony -

- Harmony -

In the pain in the agony, in the hell I found myself. You don’t wish to be on my place, you do not wish to feel the pain which I felt. That pain killed a part of me, the biggest part of me, the subprograms of my mind which imprisoned me for more then 10 years. When that part was killed something new was born, something for I didn't even know that exist in me. Its a demon which knows no fear, its a demon of ultimate courage, its a demon which is going to look you in to the eyes and is going to manipulate your mind with the shiny, beautiful words just so he can get what he wish. Following it, becoming one with it I started to see more, to notice all those little details of which I wasn't aware before. That demon killed my feelings, killed my emotions and made the beast out of me, the beast which only thinks on himself. The truth is that demon is unleashed because people used me, but I don’t pity myself, why should I. Did you ever felt that you are nothing else then the mechanism, that your whole body is made of the parts, just like a robot, and that there is some voice deep down within you which give the life to all those parts. Its like your whole body is obsessed with that voice and that, that voice gives the meaning to the body. Its like that voice is giving the commands to your body, its like he is in control of it. But that demon, because hes nature is manipulative knows the ways to manipulate that voice, so the demon can get what he wish. Am I loosing my mind or everything is truth. If you think about it just for a moment, but you need to think in the spiritual way, you will notice that it can really be truth. In the spiritual world they say that our body is nothing else then the holy temple, a temple where lives intellect and spirit together. The two biggest enemies. Truth is that they are not enemies, at least not in my fall. They are working together, like two best friends. That is what I call harmony, where no one is stronger and no one is in control. They live and work together and they respect each other. And believe it or not everything because of the demon. Is it demon or my old spirit left me and my body and something new came in the possesion. The thing is that on this particular question the answer is that something new take the control over my body. Something I call the blank space. The space of which I become aware and which I am purposely using to control my soul. They say you should not play with your soul, but first when you start playing with yourself you are going to find out your limits, and the truth is that they do not exist. Intellect is strong but the wisdom comes from the demon. When you manifest the actions of the demon in the reality you are seeing how the reality is shaping itself in the way you wish it to be. That is the power of the demon, the demon is showing you the way how to make everything or achieve everything you wish. The mind is play ground and the demon is the observer, observer not only of my own thoughts but of the thoughts of the other people. He precisely use the words of the others because intellect became so sensible of the words which give the power to the sentence so he can use that power to ask a question which is directly penetrating other human mind. The human being at that moment is not even aware of the question because hes is charmed with the words, but also with the warm and shiny face, the face which would never do harm to no one but gets what wish trough other methods, the calculative ones the manipulative ones. I do not know how it is going to end, even tho the vision is there and I believe in it with all my hearth, and because of that power, because of the belief its probably going to end just the way I wish it to be !

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