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How To Cleanse Sacral Chakra

How To Cleanse Sacral Chakra

To achieve absolute consciousness we need to cleanse ourselves. There are seven chakras in human body system. About Earth or Root chakra and how to heal or cleanse it we already talked about. Today we are going to talk about Sacral Chakra and how to cleanse it or how to heal your Sacral Chakra. The Sacral Chakra is nothing else then the place in human body which is responsible for our pleasures. This chakra is the second chakra on the way to unlocking the infinite potential hide within you. This chakra is smoked or is getting dirty true the feeling of guilt. Truth is that probably there does not exist human being on this planet which feels himself not responsible for something what happened in his life. Also the truth is that trough that feeling of guilt we are damaging ourselves. The reason for it is that trough that guilt and always thinking what would be if you did things a bit different, you are actually focused on that particular experience and that experience because its negative is sucking you in the negative flow of the energy. To cleanse this chakra is not easy task, because people are to much attached to they past, and the first way is to forgive yourself. You see you are forgiving yourself only because of one reason, because you do not wish to look at it anymore, because you do not wish to be dragged in that negative flow of energy, because you wish to move on with your life, to look on the shiny future. Majority never thought or ever came on the idea that except to forgive other human being you can also forgive yourself for the mistakes you did in the past or even today. Those mistakes do not describe your character, they do not need to be a fundamental part of your character. The thing is that all those mistakes you did, all those feelings of guilt are going to pass away when you forgive yourself. Also the truth is that if you are not able to forgive yourself from the deepest corner of your hearth, how can your forgive someone else from the hearth. Forgiving yourself you just moved on, that does not mean that you should continue repeating same mistakes, because if you do, how can you then say that you learned something out of that hurtful experience. You see the way is actually really simple, but because we are as a kids programmed to be so attached to our past its hard to achieve this cleansing. But my friend, if you wish to cleanse your Sacral Chakra then know that all that past is nothing else then the memory. You are send on this world to experience as much as you can. So never stop experiencing new things, never stop learning new things, the past needs to stay in the past, the future is yet to come, important are the moments, the moments of the pure awareness, because when you start walking the path of chakras you can not stop until you did not cleanse all your chakras, until you did not reached the full consciousness. From the day you cleanse your first chakra you are going to notice how your life is changing on the better, you will start noticing the little moments of the awareness when you are going to stop before you do action which you wanted to do and you will ask yourself a question: Is this what I am going to do the real way, the pious one. Do not stop until all the chakras are not healed, until the beast is not unleashed, because the pure awareness, pure awareness of yourself and the every moment is the pure power, the power which one can not compare with something else, its the true form of the power, the one any only form. Because true and absolute awareness, is going to change your life !

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