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How to Cleanse Your Earth Chakra

How to Cleanse Your Earth Chakra

Earth Chakra or the other word mostly used for this Chakra is the Root Chakra is the first of 7 Chakras which we have in our body. To cleanse this chakra is not so hard but its also not so easy, everything depends on the individual and on his wish to cleanse it our I could say it depends on his power of the will. This chakra is clogged trough the fears and the only way to cleanse it is actually to face our fears. Even if I think that there does not exist a human being without some particular fear in his system, we can cleanse this chakra trough the meditation. The process of cleansing is really simple. But the simple things are also the hardest things, that is the truth. When we are there, sitting or in some other comfortable position in which we are meditating, we need to ask ourselves, what are the most scariest things that we are afraid of. When you ask yourself a question, not only in the meditating state but also in the normal state, you are going to open the doors of your mind and all those fears are going to come on the surface. The thing about meditation is that when you are meditating, you are always on some quiet place, or I could say on some comfortable place where you are not interrupted from no one or I could say you are on the place where you are going to be at least disturbed. That means that your focus is also going to be on another level, that you are going to be able to focus yourself on those fears without the outside interruption. When you are already there, meditating, and when all those fears pop out in the form of the thought, embrace them. They are yours, they are coming from the deepest corner of your subconscious mind, there are true you. Now, look at all those fears, observe them, and let it go. Be aware that all those fears you are looking at this moments are nothing else then the thoughts. The truth is that the fears are nothing else then the thoughts and because of that they are imaginary. They do not exist, they are only a product of your mind. Your mind is a beautiful tool, which you can use to grow as a human being, which you can use to become everything you wish to be. All those fears are part of you, and as such they are you. Let them go. Look at them how they are going and observer nothingness. When you let off go your fears, you became one with them, you know that they are there, that they are part of you, but you also know that they are imaginary, that they are nothing else then the thoughts of which your mind is afraid off. When you let it go and trough that letting, you actually cleansed your Earth Chakra and your Earth Chakra is now healed, its now completely opened. Know that there are fears, the healthy ones, as for instance that you should look on both sides when you wish to cross on the other side of the street, because you can be hit by the car. That is the simple example, but the true example of the healthy fear. There are some other type of healthy fears, but most of them are unhealthy and they are only there to not allow you to leave your comfort zone, because mind to not like to leave the comfort zone. Meditate on your fears at least one time in a week, find a time for cleansing your earth chakra because that time is time for yourself. Facing your fears, you are growing as a human being, and only as such you are one step closer to achieve everything you ever wanted to achieve.

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