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When You Do What You LIKE TO DO

When You Do What You LIKE TO DO

Its actually really sad that most of the people these days don’t know what is it that they like or I could say love and they are searching the happiness on the place where one can not happiness find, in money. The thing is that to live life on your terms you need to have a lot of money or I could say you need to be rich, but its only because when you have a lot of the money you don’t need to think about the money. The truth is that no matter how much money you do have the happiness can never be found or bought trough the material things. Don’t fool yourself thinking that you are happy when you buy yourself some new thing, yes, the truth is that you are happy in that particular moment but only because your mind is impressed, because your mind got what he wanted to have. The real, the true happiness needs to come from within, from your hearth. And if you are not able to be happy from within then honestly you will never be able to be happy until you don’t learn how to be happy from within. Lets take for the example little kids. They somehow look always happy and the reason is because everything they do they do trough the hearth. The thing is that we live in a cruel world and that when you are following your hearth you are actually the most open and honest human being probably on the planet, but also the truth is that trough following your hearth you are also the most happiest human being on the planet because you are living the truth, because you are living the reality just the way it is, without the mask. Because we live in the cruel world and because human beings are actually really dangerous and most of them are only there to use you and then when they have used you they are going to trow you away like the garbage most of the people do not have the courage to be what they really are, or to be precise to follow they hearth. The thing is that when you are following your hearth you are actually reacting on the circumstances trough the words from within and trough your intuition and as such you see much more then others see. Its like you are living on the other level, on the higher level. That is the reason why the majority do not have the courage to live such type of life because it brings life problems. But the truth is that even when we face with those problems we are facing against them consciously because if we have the problem or the problems the only natural thing is to start searching the solution. To find a solution is never easy because you need to start looking on the things from other perspective, you need to change your perception and start looking in the positive way, or I could say how to take that problem and search deep within it the only positive thing you can find and take it as a lecture which you needed to learn and trough that lecture you will also find a way or I could say the solution. You know, the thing is, when you do what you love to do, you are like the outsider on this planet only because you are doing that thing which you love when no one else other does it. You are going to be labeled as a crazy, you are going to see that you are going to be left on your own, but my friend when you are left on your own, when you are left with yourself the thing is that you are going to have enough time to know yourself, to find yourself to introduce yourself to yourself. Never be afraid of yourself, even if maybe at this moment your worst enemy is you, the thing is that with the time, that reflection in the mirror is going to become your best friend. Every time when you get setback in your life don’t look or search who is guilty for your setbacks, its enough to look yourself in to the mirror and you will find your reason. The path is called the path of consciousness, and to live the conscious type of life you can never settle yourself, you can never stop growing, you can never live in the comfort zone, because in the comfort zone you can not growth. So my friend even if you know and you do what you love to do, there is always place for the improvement, there is always way to leave that automatically doing and replace it with the conscious actions, with the actions which are going to push you to grow and simultaneously your love can grow as you do.

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