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How to Cleanse Hearth Chakra

How to Cleanse Hearth Chakra

The human body is a unity, a unity of the intellect and the spirit. The body is in some religions called as a holy temple, and indeed it is because in that holy temple are living the spirit and the intellect together, which these days by the majority of the people are not in the harmony, they are fighting against each others. After talking about Earth ( Root ) Chakra, Pleasure ( Sacral ) Chakra and Fire ( Solar Plexus ) Chakra today we are going to talk about Hearth ( Anahata ) Chakra and how to cleanse it so we can gather the strenght from it. At the start we need to know that this chakra is smoked trough the pain, sadness, sorrow, grief and the misery. As you can see there are so many enemy’s against which we need to fight to find the peace within and to find the purity so we can cleanse it. To cleanse it its never easy but we need to find a connection between all this things so we can work our way towards cleansing. The connection is that all those thing are nothing else then the feelings and also the negative ones. Because those things are the feelings we need to find a way how to fight against them or to be honest we need to find a way to let it go. It would be really nice if we could understand that our mind is really powerful weapon and about what we are thinking about, we are. That means that when you are thinking about those negative feelings, or I could say about those negative things you will also get those negative feelings. That means that we are actually only fighting against the patterns of the thoughts, because feelings are the product of the thoughts. Fighting against your mind is never easy because our mind knows so many tricks. But to achieve it is possible. The thing is that we do not need to live all our thoughts, we can choose which thoughts we are going to live. Everything starts when you decide that you are only becoming observer of your thoughts. When you notice that when those negative thoughts are coming you can choose to focus yourself on other things, you can choose to take the focus for yourself and control it, master it. The one of the tricks you will see that your mind is doing against you is that when you start thinking negative thoughts more negative thoughts are you going to think. When you notice that you are thinking negative you need trough the power of your imagination or I could say trough the power of your will start thinking in a positive way. You know if you are thinking negative only negative is going to come upon you, so if you wish to experience positive changes in your life then my friend you need to start thinking positive. I am aware that it is hard to live and to think positive in this cruel world where almost everyone is thinking negative but its not impossible. The goal should be, to go in some quiet place and focus yourself on your breathing. In one moment you will start noticing how your breathing is becoming thinner, follow it. Follow it until you do not start thinking that you cant breathe in that way anymore. When you notice that you are thinking in that way you need to know that, that is nothing else then a mind game and your mind does not like the game, because he noticed that you are trying to take the control over him. You need to brake that limit. After you brake it, also after you push trough, you will breathe so thin that you will notice that after all, you do not need to many breath to breather and you will notice how your mind became absolute calm. Now when you achieved the clearance or I could say the calmness of the mind you should ask yourself question about the things which are smoking this chakra, why you are in pain, why are you sad, whats the reason to feeling the sorrow, whats the reason to feel the greef and the misery. The answer is going to come upon you, because you are talking with yourself and with yourself you are always honest, at least you should be. When all those answers pop out in the form of the thought, observer those thoughts, accept them as the answers and let them go. When you noticed that you are not thinking about them anymore forgive yourself, forgive yourself for every mistake you ever did, and make a decision that you are in the future be more aware of the things about which you are thinking about. And there it is, you just cleansed your Hearth Chakra !

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