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The Life Full of Wars

The Life full of Wars

The parents are the most selfish human beings on the planet. You can love it or you can hate it its your decision but its true. Lets look the facts. The truth is that most of the parents do not prepare the children’s on the wild west outside the warm home. Even when they are at home they are always trying to control they children. The kid should always do what parents wish to do, because the parent is the one which sees danger in every thing a little human being wish to touch. Some call it wisdom, I call it the negative mindset. The real wise human being is a little child, he or she are going only on the place where they hearth sends them. If you as a parent are not able to follow your hearth, why should you forbid it to your own kid. You will say to me because its dangerous what they are trying to do ? And then I will ask you is it really so, how can you see what is going to happen, how can you really be sure that it is going to happen, is it nothing else then your negative opinion, is it it nothing else then the negative flow of energy, your mindset ? Are you not doing it because you wish to control your child, because you do not wish to feel yourself bad even if your kid is going to feel himself bad. And you are talking me about the love, about the pure love between the parent and the child. Is that not duplicity my dear friend ? You see, because your parents raised you as they did, that does not mean that you should raise your kid the same way as they did. I ask you now and in this moments, are you happy with yourself, are you happy with your life, did you achieve everything you wanted to achieve as a child out of your life or not ? Probably you didn’t, you know why ? Because of the same reason your parents did not achieve everything what they wanted to achieve. You see, we human beings all have dreams, but with the time the one who is not working on this dreams is instead of dreams getting night mares, because he never tried to achieve it. Because the parents did not allow it, and you quit. You quit only because the parents said that you are a dreamer, that it is not going to work, that you are crazy. You see, all the best ideas are at the start labeled as a crazy ones. Do not only to yourself a favor but also to your child, let your kid be what he wishes to be, let him to follow himself, let him to follow that tiny whisper within himself. If you do not have the courage to follow it, allow it to your kid, because that whisper is the whisper of his hearth, of his spirit of his soul. You do not know what human being is capable to do when hes soul is set on the fire. The kids are the best teachers, even it seams crazy they are, do you not see the sparks in those eyes, those sparks are the ultimate, the holy power of the will, they are working in the full will power mode. Do you notice how your child is always inspired to do something, how many times you were inspired to do something and at the end of the day you did not do it ? its because of the lack of the will power, look at your child with the admiration, and teach from it, teach how to get that holy power of the will one more time, because that absolute power of the will is the path of the dreams, path of the creation, path of the nature, of the inspiration. Thanks for reading and God Bless you !

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