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How To Be Happy

How To Be Happy

Did you ever asked yourself what does it take to be happy ? What is it that you need to do, to become happy human being ? Everything you need for happiness is actually a decision. It's that ultimate decision that you are going to be happy no matter what's  going to happen to you or around you. Its actually that simple. The fact is that happiness can not be found in material things. To experience true happiness you need to follow your hearth because your hearth is going to show you the way to happiness. You need to start following that voice deep down within you. Everything starts with that voice, that voice is YOU, the TRUE you. Why to be afraid of him. Just allow yourself to follow it and soon you will see that more you are following it more peacful you are and also more happier you are. I know, its not always easy to follow it, but its actually really simple, you need to become follower of that voice. That voice wants only whats best for you, and he only wants that you get things you wish. It's kinda logical that if you are always getting things you wish that you are going to be happy is it not ? That voice is voice of your will of your wish. Why then to be afraid of it ? You can have everything you ever wanted you just need to allow it to yourself. And allowing to yourself to follow that voice you are also allowing that upon you come all things you ever wanted. You hearth, your soul are inspiration, its something that comes from the Maker, they were and they are there before you came on this planet. That Voice is your direct connection with the Maker. Why to be afraid of other people when you should only be afraid of the God. Allowing yourself to follow the words of the God you are allowing yourself to become the best friend with the God within you. Why to be enemy of the God ? Maybe you are not believing in the God but you should be aware that we all came from somewhere. Its not important how you are going to Call it, Maker, God etc. You should only know that if you are going against it, nothing good will ever come upon you and everything that comes upon you will be average. I don’t know and I cant know, maybe you wish to live average life, but if you wish to be and to become everything you ever wanted to be, then there is only one road you should go. And thats the road of your inner voice. Yes much more harder road then the average one, but one that brings so much in return. After all, everything starts with you, are you going to allow yourself to be what you really are or you are going to become like everyone else. Are you going to become copy of someone else ?

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