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Spirituality ABOVE Religion

Spirituality vs Religion

Spirituality ABOVE Religion

For the start lets just say and let acknowledge it together that the Religion is a very Powerful Tool. Difference between religion and spirituality is enormous. But lets see where these two things or in what these two things are different from each other.

The religion is nothing else then a community of the people which share same beliefs, practicing same things and worshiping a higher being and same books. In a religion you are obligated to obey higher laws because, if you are part of a religious group your laws are written in a holy book and as a part of community you need to follow it, because if you are not doing it, the community can go against you, or you are going to be expelled and as such left on your own. As we can see its all about community. But if we start to analyse those books we will soon seen that all the stories are written in a metaphor and those books are nothing else then the guidance trough the life, also all those guidance's are really similar to philosophy, you can instantly see the similarity if you only read one book on philosophy. 

But the Spirituality is something else. The thing is that we are all not only physical beings, but we are also the spiritual beings. Most of the people are aware of it, but they are not sure what they spirit is. The religion is all about the community but the spirituality is about you, about improving yourself and about improving your spirit, cleaning your spirit, becoming something else, something what you wish to be. The thing about spirituality is that when you start going in to those things you are actually starting to explore yourself, you are starting to explore your within. Your within is the main occupation of the Spirituality. You know majority is not even aware of the within, they see it as themselves. The thing is that it is, themselves but the higher self's. Not following your spirit is going to give you inner fights and following yourself is going to give your inner peace. 

That is the reason, why so many people can not find inner peace these days, because they do not have the courage to follow that inner voice. And if you are not following it, then my friend how can you find your inner peace, its not possible, because you wish something else and instead of doing the right things to achieve that thing you are doing the opposite thing. Spirituality is about your soul, and your within is your soul. But spirituality is not only occupied with your soul but also with your mind. Trough the Spirituality you are going to learn how to control your mind, how to control your thought processes, you are going to become aware of your thoughts and you are only going to live impulses which you know that are right for you. 

As you can see, in only few sentence which i wrote, difference between religion and spirituality is enormous. Religion is made, made to control the people, made to manipulate people, made to say in what should people believe and the spirituality is the opposite thing. Trough the spirituality you are learning to control yourself, you are learning self-discipline, you are learning to control your mind, your emotions, you are learning to think rational, you are forming your own belief's. But also to be honest we need to know that spirituality is not all about fairy tales, its a hard thing, because you are constantly fighting against yourself, you are trying to change your habits, to develop a better ones, ones which are going to serve you better and we all know that the hardest battle one can have is the one he does against himself.

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