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Absolute HARMONY ( Inner PEACE )

Absolute HARMONY

Maybe I am doing a mistake, I don’t know it at thins moment to be honest, but no matter what happens I know that it will be awesome life experience, that I will get a piece of life wisdom from it, even if I will get it trough the pain. No, thats not the doubt talking within me, on the contrary, I believe in myself absolutely. I know whats within me, I know that I need to follow it but also I know that sometimes I need to win against it, at least when we are talking about some habits I wish to change. Other human beings, I don’t believe to them, to be honest I do not believe to no one except to myself. That doesn't means that I am not open minded, on the contrary, I am open minded like never before. My mind is thirsty for informations, for life experiences that I can get from other human beings and implement them as my own. The beautiful words are drifting the fog down in your mind, they are designed to implement the beautiful pictures in your mind. Have no fear from no one, especially not from someone who is talking in bad manners with you, but watch out from the one who is talking in good manners with you. You only can know whats within you, you can only become aware of yourself, but you can never know whats inside of the someone else. Even when he is talking or even living with you huge amount of years you can never be sure what he really is, because you cant hear what hes hearth is saying to him. The truth is that most of hearths these days are full of hate, rare human beings are the ones which fill they hearth with love. Thats the reason why you should love yourself. In my case, I love myself most then anyone else on this planet, because I know whats inside of me, because I am aware of it, because I am self - conscious, I respect myself the most, the most important opinion I can have is my own, but that doest mean that I do not respect other opinions because I do, I look at them and if they are good I take them as my own, I believe in myself, and in my soul is harmony ( inner peace ). But you could ask yourself how to achieve the harmony ? And the answer would be that, you should take control over your mind, take control over the devil, because you mind is a devil, he can be your worst enemy or your best friend, take control over your though process. And then when you do it, your soul and you mind will be as one. The Devil and The GOD are going to combine, they will connect themselves, they will become one. When the one kills the Ashbringer, two becomes one. Your mind is a powerful weapon and it can change your life, because he is shaping your reality. When you find harmony, you will start to follow your hearth. You see, your mind is there to show you the tasks you should do, to achieve some task or some life goal, life purpose, hes showing you the way. And the hearth is there only to give a command to your body to move, to achieve it, to make job done. Controlling your mind, you are directly controlling your hearth, your soul, you could say that controlling your mind you are directly influencing your soul. As a human being with harmony within yourself. They say its anti religious, because when one is self-conscious one can not become manipulated, they cannot take you your money, as they are doing from others. They also say that its anti system, because you see the tricks they are doing, but they do not know that you don’t care. That you are living harmony, that you are in line with nature, that you became nature, that you became inspiration for this world. And so, the one which is self aware is the one which loves himself, respect himself, and its always on his first place, the one who doesn't care what other can, will or shall say about him, the one who is occupied with his own thoughts, the one which analyses his own thoughts, the one which does only things which he loves to do because he allows it to himself, but also the one who calculate a lot, the one which seeks the solution on every problem he encounters, the one which is ready to do everything it takes, to make that solution come true, the one who makes the job done even when he does not wish to do it, the one which is able to make other people do things for him so that they are even not aware that they are doing it for him. But that is harmony. You became both The GOD and The DEVIL, trough the process of connection, you became ONE. Thanks for reading !!!

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