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The Moment of Inspiration

The Moment of Inspiration

Just like the butterfly is landing on the flower and hes taking care of him, so should we watch on ourselves, take care on ourselves. There is nothing bad about being yourself on the first place. Yes I know that they say its egoistic but thats only because they do not understand it and also they do not have a courage to do it. If you are not able to love yourself and take care of yourself, you are also not able to love other human beings and take care about others. You see, when you start loving yourself your life is changing from the roots. Because when you start loving yourself you are starting to listen your hearth. In the times when almost no one is following his hearth the people witch do are special, rare. The one who is following his hearth not only that he has hes inner peace but also he is shining all the positive energy because he allowed to himself to do what he wish do to. That means that there are no limits except those which we set to ourselves. How can it be egoistic to have a inner peace. I don’t think about it as a bad thing. You are going to become magnetized. Soon you will notice how only positive people are coming in your life, and how they are so many opportunities out there for you. Yes, you are going to notice also the negative people but because you are following your hearth they are not going be able to influence you, manipulate you, because your hearth is like a safety guard he is not going to bring you in a danger. There are those inner fights when we fight against ourselves, against our hearth because we know that our hearth, our spirit is addicted to some things with we wish to quit, or some other things which we wish to improve. But if you believe in yourself and your capabilities, only the sky is a limit, but the sky is also not a limit if you know how to fly. There is also a secret how to come as a victorious out of those fights. You need to visualize how you already won against the things you wish to win or how you already improved yourself in the field of life in which you wish to improve. With the time you are going to make it because trough the power of the visualization you are actually writing a new program in your subconscious mind, and with the time, more that new program is becoming stronger and more he is upgraded, easier are you going to win those fights. Yes the life is thug, but we are even more thuger if we decide it to be. What other people think about you should not be your business. The thoughts they think are they own thoughts not your, that means that they do not have anything to do with you, but everything with them. You should have your own thoughts, unique one, because your thoughts are forming you as a human being and they are also forming your reality. Thats also the reason why one should actually watch out about what one is thinking about. But about that some other time. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to Buy me a Coffee for more content like this ;) !

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