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I know that somewhere out there are all those things I wish. I know that they are already mine but I need to be patient for with the time they are going to be delivered. Never more will I settle for average and never more will I be the slave of the system. I am send on this world to live the life on my own rules, we all did. But what happened with everyone, where did we disappear. They say that when the tug moments come upon us that we should seek our salvation in religion, we should pray. I do not say that someone or something did not make us, something greater then we are all, and probably something that we will never understand or maybe with the time trough the power of the metaphysics we are going to find out how is everything made. But is it the right way to turn ourselves to the God when only bad things happened to us. Your God is within you, your god is the voice deep within you, the only voice we need to follow. Thats the voice which makes miracles, and thats the only God you should serve and follow. Start believing in yourself, and never quit. Faith in yourself and in your possibilities is the ultimate form of the fate. They don’t learn us this in school because its anti system, because its dangerous, because trough this actions one is going to become self-conscious, one is going to become aware of himself. But I believe that the day will come when all people on this planet which we call Earth are going to open they eyes, they will say its enough. They say that to love yourself is a bad thing. But why is it bad ? Do you know that, if you don’t love yourself, you are also not able to love other human beings. And when one loves himself he is automatically on the way of self-improvement. Because true meaning of loving yourself is always becoming better then you are. They call it the self-mastery, the long forgotten discipline, but the only discipline in life which bring so many good things, the only mastery which brings everything our hearth is seeking for. Did you ever try to fight against yourself, mos of us did, but they quit because they saw how simple things are so hard to achieve. Everything seems so simple but everything is so hard. How can it be possible that so simple things are so hard. Yes they are, because, when you start working on yourself, you are working against yourself, the enemy is the face you see in the mirror. That thing you see in the mirror can be your best friend or your worst enemy and if at this moment that thing is your worst enemy that means that you need to start controlling yourself, you need to look at yourself in to the mirror and say ITS ENOUGH, NO MORE WILL I TOLERATE THIS, IF YOU ARE THE ONLY OBSTACLE BETWEEN ME AND EVERYTHING I EVER WANTED TO BE, THEN WE ARE IN WAR AND I, AS A WARRIOR, WILL NOT QUIT UNTIL I DO NOT SEE MYSELF AS A VICTORIOUS !!! Thanks for reading !!!

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