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How does The System Works

The truth is that we all live in the system and that the system is self sustained. Its how it works. And to develop a new one would be hard but until someone does not decide to develop a new one and then to fight against this one everything is going to be the same. For the start lets look at the structure of our system from the top to the bottom. We will make it simple so every one is able to understand it. At the top of the system are the Corporations. Its kinda logical that they are at the top of the system because they are producing the jobs. Bellow Big Corporations are Politicians. We need to know that almost every Political campaign is sponsored from some Big corporation and more money they pump in, in that campaign, the more chances does the politician has. What does it mean ? It means that even when the one who is a candidate for some political place wins he is not going to do what he should do, what hes job is, hes going to do what hes Boss says, and hes Boss is someone who has a Corporation. As we can see we are all betrayed. At the bottom of the structure ( pyramid ) are normal ( average ) people. We pay taxes and I can honestly say that probably in the future we are also going to pay a breath which we breath. For the most of the people is hard to live these days, but also majority of the people is not able to make a job for someone else, even not for themselves, they need to search it, they need to work for someone else. The one who is producing the job is the one who can out of nothing produce big amount of the money, because he knows how to do it. When we are talking about the classes then we need to know that things also changed. We can say that the rich one are getting more richer and the poor ones are getting more poorer. The middle class does not exist anymore. But if we look it form this perspective we will see that the middle class does exist. What do I mean ? I mean that the high class are the rich people, the people who runs Corporations, the middle class are politicians and the poor class are majority of the people. Yes thats the truth, everything changed and we allowed it. Its not that we don’t know it, because we can notice it on our salary, which is not enough for living but we noticed it to late. Lets take a simple example which is going to show the difference between the rich one and the majority of the people. For instance lets say that we are in the store and that we saw a female bag on the action. The price is 1000$ but because we can buy it for the action price the same bag does not cost 1000$ anymore, instead of that her price is 750$. The question is, did we save 250$ if we buy it. The majority will think that they made a good deal saving the 250$ for the bag, when the same bag before was 1000$ but thats actually not the truth. The truth is that we did not save those 250$, the truth is that we spend 750$. That is only one marketing trick and they are so many tricks out there. As we can see the one with the money knows how to make the money, but he also knows how to keep the money. The majority of the people these days are in depths. Mostly the reason for it is that, people somehow forget how to save the money, and also majority of the people are willing to take a credit for something that they even cant afford themselves. There is a quote which says “ Even if the rich people share they money with the poor ones and at the end we all become rich. In no time the rich people are going to become more rich and the poor ones are going to be poor one more time “. Its mentality, the rich one knows how to work with the money. That is something they don’t learn us in school, because if they would, the world would be a different place. This system in which we live needs sheep's as the majority of the people are, which are never going to ask themselves a questions and which are going to do only the things which Government says they should do and the same Government is doing so many things which are against the laws but about that, some other time. Thanks for reading and God Bless You !!!

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