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Power of REVENGE


In todays session we are going to talk just as the title says about the revenge. The truth is that we all know what is a revenge. Its a choice, a decision that we made, when someone do something that we do not like, that we are going to answer the same. For the start we need to know that revenge is a really powerful motivator. Maybe one of the best. Also the revenge we could say is the art of goal setting. Why do I say it ? Because when we are seeking the revenge, we are actually simulating in our mind all those pictures and our mind is calculating all the possibilities how one can actually harm to another human being. To say it really simple, we call this mind activity, planing. Just as when we are setting ourselves a goal, to achieve a goal we need to have a strict plan and we need to follow it. Revenge is negative side of goal setting and the negative side of motivation. That means that one is actually using the negative flow of energy. At the start the one who is seeking revenge will feel fine and under the emotion of euphoria but with the time all those positive emotions are going to transform themselves in the negative ones because in his mind he is simulating the negative pictures. That means that trough the revenge we actually mire our soul. Maybe before, our soul was pure and clean but trough the revenge she will become a really bad one. And at the end you will not be able to believe in what kind of beast you transformed yourself. Yes the revenge is a really good motivator but not the right one. To forgive is only way, because trough the forgiveness its not that we are going to forget it, but we are going to find peace of the mind. Why to use the negative side of the life when if we wish to set ourselves a goal we need to find what is it that our soul is seeking, ask ourselves why are we seeking it, make a plan about how can we reach it and put ourselves in action. Start doing it. Yes the path is probably longer as when we are powered with the revenge, but at least our soul is going to stay clean and our character is going to become stronger. Thanks for reading and God Bless You !

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