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- The Fight Between GOOD and EVIL -

- The Fight Between GOOD and The EVIL -

They say if the Good and The Evil should be in the same race, that if they are running the sprint the evil is always going to win. That’s so true but the thing about good is that good runs marathons. The reason why most of the people these days are evil is because they are using the energy from the negative flow of life. I know that the negative flow of life gives you results in the moment but all those results are powered trough the negative energy and the negative feelings. Also using the negative energy is the reason for all those disease out there. Our mind is really a powerful weapon, the most powerful one on the whole planet, probably the most powerful in the whole universe. And the way of thinking is the direct connection with the energy. If you are thinking in the negative way like already said you are using the negative flow of energy, the truth is that the results are instant but with the time everything you do to other human beings you are going to get back, believe it or not, in the East culture they call it Karma. The thing is that the Karma really exist you can believe in it or not but the karma is actually natural law, and its hitting back like a boomerang. If you are being pessimist for huge amount of time your mind is in the routine to think in the negative way. Also everything you are going to experience is the negative but if you trough the power of your will start focusing yourself only on the positive things with the time you are going to reprogram your mind you are going to rewrite it and with the time positive is going to become normal and with the positive way of thinking only positive is able to come upon you. The truth is that trough the power of our thoughts we are shaping our reality and the one who is controlling his thoughts is also able to build the reality he wishes for himself. I know that at the first when one hears it, it seams a bit crazy but thats nothing else then a truth and the most hidden secret of all secrets on the planet. That’s something they do not teach us in the school because it depends on the power of your mind, how big you can thing, so big can your life become. The process of thinking is the process of creating a new thought, the one which was not there in our system and not replaying of old memories like most of the people think. Replaying your memories slowly but surely you are going to start living in the past, and you will have that feeling that everything you do is just repeating itself. With the time you are also going to lose yourself. I do not say that losing yourself is a bad thing because the one who is lost always find himself, tho the experience is really painful. But only trough the pain we are able to grow and become better human beings because the pain is place where the comfort zone does not exist anymore. And one can only growth in the place where the comfort zone stops. At the end if you are thinking in a negative way and you are not happy with your life, you need to know that everything you are going trough is actually because of you, because of your way of thinking, if you wish to see improvements in your life then the only thing you can do is to take the control over your mind and start thinking in the positive way and you will see that in no time only positive things are going to come upon you. Thanks for reading and God Bless You !

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