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- Introduction -

- Introduction -

Sometimes I got that feeling which says that more the person looks beautiful outside the more demons is hidden within him. The truth is that trough our look we are trying to sell ourselves, but our look is only one part of us. The only real thing is hidden within us, that tiny little whisper is what we really are. Mostly when someone is talking in good manners with us we should really be careful because just like when little children are trying to get something for they parents the situation is same when some other human being is talking with as in that manner. The beautiful words are manipulative and we all know it but mostly the people are not noticing it when someone is using them because the mind is blown, because in those moments, because of those beautiful words the mind is not able to see the danger, and how can he when everything what he sees is beautiful. The beautiful words are the most powerful drug ever made. But if we are not aware of ourselves we are always going to be seduced from someone who is controlling himself and hes own words. For the instance when we start to work in a new company our colleagues will most of the time talk in good manners with us, firstly because they don’t know us, and secondly like already say its the easiest way to sell yourself to the society. But to ignore yourself, to ignore your inner voice is the most stupid thing one can do, because if he is ignoring him, he is also ignoring himself. That voice is the only think on which we should work. To be a good human being is hard they say, and on the contrary to be the bad one is really easy. But as a bad human being we are not going to achieve to much in our life, and on the contrary as a good human being the possibilities are infinite. Everything starts with the self talk. Every morning the words we say to ourselves in the first hour of awoke state, are the words that are going to form our entire day, thats the reason why we should really be aware of the talk we are saying to ourselves. But to get back on our explanation. More we are working in the company more we are going to know our colleagues and with the time the natural is that we make some judgment about them even tho I don’t think that we should judge anyone because in the moment when we are judging someone we are actually judging ourselves. The truth is that they are going to try to sell themselves, but that only means that they are trying to sell they intellect, we should be aware and look the little details on the people because trough that little details we are going to see the parts of character, the part of the inner world. With the time the inner is going to come on the surface because people are like the glass of water, more drops of water drops in the glass more full the glass is and when the last drop drops the one which is going to bring the chaos, the one which is going to make water to come out, on the surface is going to come the human character and that’s the only thing on what we should look because in those moments when the character comes on the surface, we can say that we first then know how the person really is. But more we are seeing it, more we are seeing that somehow all are the same and that the human beings with the good character are almost extinct species because to have a good character a strong one, you should work on yourself, and working on yourself is never easy because every time you work on yourself you need to win against yourself and thats never easy because it takes the power of the will. But if you are not able to control yourself, you are going to be controlled from someone else. At the end decision likes completely on you, are you going to fight against yourself and your life, to live the life of your dreams or you are going to be quiet and work for someone else and in that way help him to reach his own dreams. Thanks for reading !

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