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- Tolerance -

The life became like the music. Full of inspiration and full of those tiny little moments when the one is conscious of himself. If you are aware that there are things which you can improve on yourself and you are not taking actions to change it, it means that you are tolerating yourself. Its living the life in ignorance and ignorance is really dangerous friend to have. To improve yourself seams only the right thing to do, but it's not always easy. Its about imagination, its about practicing gratitude. Every time when you are grateful for something no matter what, more of that you are going to become. Because trough the gratitude you are practicing positive perspective, positive way of thinking. If you wish to win against some bad habit you have, start being grateful for that thing in the way that you already accomplished it, that you already changed it. You will see that  in time you are going to change, because trough the power of gratitude you are inserting the positive pictures in your mind and slowly you are changing your mentality, which is also going with the time to change your attitude. The human mind is nothing else then the ultimate biological computer and we all know that in every computer one can write a new program. The thing is that mostly our parents are writing those programs when we are born but its not that all of those programs are good, and when you notice that some of the programs are not functioning in the way they should, then you need to change it. The thing about parents is that if your parents are the average ones and you are excepting much more from yourself, you need to develop your own mentality. The good things your parents teach'ed you, you should keep but if you know that there are things which are not functioning for you, then you should write a new program a better one. Writing a new program is nothing more then changing a bad habit for a better one or changing a good habit for a better one. The truth is that like already said its never easy to win against yourself, but more persistent you are, with those input pictures sooner and quicker are you going to make it. Trough the power of our thoughts we are forming our reality, those are the facts which most of the people don’t even know because thats the part of the forbidden knowledge. Controlling your own thoughts and replacing your negative thoughts for the good ones you are going to change yourself, you are going to become a better human being. We all know that when one gets his control back he is never going to allow to lose it one more time. Because trough the power of the control there are so many possibilities hat are open and the life becomes so easy. Thats the only way I think we all should live. But to come on this level of thinking one should first lose himself, and then in his worst moments his going to find himself one more time, mostly the experience is going to be painful. But the pain is not developed for suffering, pain is developed for changes, because the human beings are only able to growth trough the pain if they are not able to control themselves. At the end, if you are not able to win against yourself and if you are tolerating yourself you are nothing else then a glass witch is with every drop a bit more full and we all know that when the last drop drops in the glass its starting to come out and then you are not only not be able to tolerate yourself but also no one else ! Thanks for reading and don't forget to buy me a coffee ;)

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