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Life in The Moment

Life in The Moment

Its really dangerous to think, its anti system, its anti social but its only right way of living. Because if you are not going to use your own head someone else will do it instead of you. Everything starts with the moment, with the decision that you are going to live in the moment and that you are going to seize every moment the best as you can. To live in the moment one should first become aware of himself, because life in the moment is life of absolute control over yourself. There is that voice which is always whispering within you if you are listening it. The right thing to do is to follow that voice but sometimes that voice is addicted to the things and to heal yourself of the addiction you need to win against it. Your body is nothing else then the home of that voice, you body is nothing else then a robot which is powered trough that voice, what the voice says, you do it. To live in the moments means live in the present tense. You are aware of the moment. Lets take an example so it is easier to understand. For instance lets say someone is shooting on us with the bad works and we are living in the moment. In that moment when the other human being is shooting on us with all those negative words first of all we are aware what he is trying to accomplish with those words. Second of all because of that, that we are aware of the moment, we are going to make a decision that all those words are not going to have any influence on us and that we are going to take it calmly, that we are not going to lose our patience because of no one. The thirds thing, if we already need to answer to that person we are going to focus ourselves on the inner world and every word which that tiny little whispers says that we should do, we are going to manifest it, we are going to bring it in reality. That tiny voice is a God part of you and mostly when you find yourself in such a situation, everything someone said to you you are just going to reflect back. But because you are aware that the other guy is using hard words against you, you are going to reflect it politely because you are controlling yourself, because you are not allowing yourself to let the control, because you purposely choose beautiful words to give the answer back. It comes always in the form of back question, you are not announcing the truth to the other guy, you are setting him a questions, you are opening the closed doors of his mind, and when he looks there the only thing he sees is himself. Thats the true power of reflection.  Living in the moment is beautiful, first of all you see the world out of the different perspective, you are self-aware, you are self-conscious and the most important thing you can in every moment decide trough which feelings you are going to be powered because trough the power of self-control you are also controlling your own feelings. They say that the only perfect moment is NOW and its so true, because the last moment is already piece of the past and the next moment is already piece of the future. To live in the moment and to look in to the future these days at least in my case seams like the natural path to follow, because I know what goals I have in my life and I am aware that only true the power of my mind and trough the power of the moment I can achieve it. After all the moment became so precious, maybe because our life on this planet is limited and because of that limitation, I try to live the life as best as I can, in every moment and always to improve myself, always to be a better human being. You can be good or you can be bad at the end decision lies totally on you. The truth is that it doesn't take to much to be a bad person and to become a good one it takes the self-control and discipline, the two thug'est virtues one can master but at the end the only two which bring upon us everything our soul is burning for. Thanks for reading and God Bless You !!

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