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- Living The Comfort Zone -

- Living The Comfort Zone -

I know that the life in a comfort zone is a easy way of life. But also when we are in comfort zone we are fine with society with people around us but also with our acquaintances. But when one decide to change himself and his life one is going on other way, the way out of the comfort zone. The only right thing to do is to develop yourself to become better then yesterday. The thing about comfort zone is that when we live our comfort zone at the start the new things are going to be uncomfortable for us but with the time those uncomfortable things are also going to become comfortable because we will get used on them. As you can see everything we do more then one time with the time is going to become our habit or I could honestly say addiction. When one start living the life out of the comfort zone one starts fighting against himself and against the addictions he has or we could also say against the bad habits. Why our acquaintances are not going to respect that decision is actually really simple ? Because they are afraid that we are going to become better then they are. In my own case even my parents are not happy with the things I am doing these days and they are not able or to be precise they do not wish to give me they own support. To be brutally honest if you make decision that you are going to do it, you are going to stay without all your friends or without almost all of you friends. But at least in those moments you are going to see which friends are you real friends, and they are only ones which are supporting you and your decisions. They say the life is thug. I disagree. Life is thug only for those which decide to always be the same. The truth is that there are always some thing we can improve on ourselves but the thing is that to improve yourself you first need to find yourself, to know what you really are and then to make a decision what is it that you wish to be, and when you decide what is it that you wish to become then you also know which steps you need to take. They say that every human being, also every person lives in his own world. This quote is so true. The thing is that we all live in our own world, in our own perspective or to be precise in our own thoughts. But if you are not able to change your perspective, your way of thinking then you are also not able to change yourself, because your thoughts supported with your actions are shaping your reality. Thanks for reading and God Bless you !!

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