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Help by Quit Smoking

- Reason to QUIT SMOKING -

You know, if you are struggling with smoking like mos of the people are doing then there are some good news for you. Its about finding the real reason why you should quit. The reason needs to be so strong that it is going to influence your mind and your minds is stop sending you on the way of smoking. The truth is that one of the reason is because of your health, but the biggest of all is that you are slowly going to lose your self control, that you are slowly start procrastinating because more you smoke more unconscious moves you are doing. The thing is that only as a conscious human being you are also be able to achieve something of yourself. Why to allow yourself to not be aware of your hands, of the actions they are doing. Did you ever notice how your hands are automatically taking the box, opening the box, setting the cigarette in your mouth and lighting it up. Did you ever try to notice it ? When you notice it, you are going to change your perspective, you are slowly starting to work in conscious field of life, in the state of consciousness. Why not to be aware of your actions, of the things which you do. Smoking is nothing else then the bad habit and because its a habit you are not aware of it, your mind is doing all actions what are need automatically. Your mind is your battlefield. Every time when you think about smoking, consciously fight against it, change the thought for some other thought, try to count down from 5 until the 1, be there in the moment and then when you reach the number one choose consciously to walk the better road, the better path, the path of growth, the path of winning against it. You know you will need to discipline yourself, you will need to do it for 21 days because so much time is needed to form a new habit, and not smoking is nothing else then a new habit. As you can see it actually really easy, its about wining against yourself trough the methods I just mentioned. Discipline yourself and win against your addiction. There will be moments when you are really going to wish to smoke but the methods are stronger then the moments because the methods are making you aware of the moment. I know that if you really deep down from within wish to be smoking free then you will take that fight and you are really easly going to win it, because the ultimate goal is going to be in your mind, the goal of self improvement. So now, go there outside, use the methods I wrote and conquer yourself. Thanks for reading and hope you did it !

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