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-Solving the Puzzle of Life -

-Solving the Puzzle of Life -

Walking the Path of the Life, showing the gut and following my voice from within, every day I am becoming more conscious. More conscious I am, more conscious I am becoming. It is a state of heaven. It is about reading between the words, reading between the lines, about controlling your mind and sending yourself on the Path you wish to go, the Path of you hearth. You know, when one follows his hearth most of the time one is going to stay alone, to become expelled from the society, because his different, because his himself. But from the moment you find yourself in a flow and more you are going there, more you will stay there, you are going to be connected on infinite potential, infinite potential of energy, which when you learn to use it, it is going to change your reality. We are nothing else then a energy which is vibrating on particular frequency to keep the viscosity.did you ever felt that you are overwhelmed, that you are thinking to much. Flow state of mind is is a state of not thinking, of becoming a receptor, a receptor from the Ether where all know and unknown informations are stored. If you are not thinking, that means that you are empty and only in something empty there is enough pace to fill it with something. You are divine, you are purposely for the moment letting the control just to receive the Gifts which God only wish to give YOU. And why not to allow it, why not to become a vessel of the God, vessel of the inspiration, a vessel of divine power. Words you speak in those moments are holy one, because they are the words of the God. Did you ever allowed to yourself to let it out, to let it come from within. Why to keep it in yourself, why not to bring the value, to share it, because more you share it more you are getting in return. Your spirit is the spirit of the Kings, spirit of the King Solomon the wisest and in the same time the Richest Man ever lived. Your outside life is nothing else then the reflection of you world form within you. To change your reality you need to change your inner world, you need to change, to shape your Spirit. You see trough the power of your thoughts you are shaping, you are melting your reality. If you know how to control it, you also know how to produce a new ones, one you wish to have. If you are able to think about the things and only about the things you wish to achieve in your life, then be sure that you are going to achieve it, because you are reprogramming yourself, you are building new connections in your mind, which are going everyday connect themselves with more other similar connections and show you the way you need to go, to reach your infinite potential. Thats the biggest secret of life, the one they will never teach you in the school, because its forbidden knowledge, its secret knowledge which only rarest human beings are gifted to have. It was my Gift from the God and now I am sharing it with you. So learn it, bury it in your mind, practice it and achieve everything for what your soul is BURNING. 

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