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Don't let others USE You, USE YOURSELF !


The moment of inspiration is here, and I just became vessel of divine power. Its about seizing the moment and bring you the truth, its about opening the closed doors of you mind and purposely making you conscious after so many years in your life. Is there something that you wish to be, something which you hearth is saying you that you should do but you can not find a way to achieve it. You know the way but somehow you can’t do it. Then I need to say to you that YOU CAN DO IT AND YOU WILL DO IT. Everything is just a mind game and your mind had taken control upon you and hes sending you on the way you do not wish to go. Mark my words, you are made as a product of love, in pain you were born, in pain you will grow and if you suffer enough in this life, if you are ready willingly to suffer, you will go on the other world in peace. Its not important what you are trying to change, important is that you can change it. I will give you a banal example on someone who is abusing alcohol. Alcohol addiction is taking so many lives every year, alcohol is also known as a devils drink. Hes purposely killing your brain cells so your mind is not able to make new connection to show you a better perspective, higher one. The truth is that to win against it you need to suffer trough it, its about suffering 21 days until your body does not form a new habit. Because alcohol addiction is nothing else then the bad habit. To replace the habit you should replace it with some other habit, some more positive one. Your mind already knows what you wish do to but your body is the one which needs to be thought. When you decide that you are going to do it, when you decide that you are going to quit and when you take that leap of faith, your complete life is going to change because you started to fight against yourself. First par day are the days which you need to win, when in your body there is no drop of alcohol your mind is starting to seduce you because your body is addicted, your body needs it. The only thing to do is to change the thought, to empower yourself with another thought, to change your focus and start thinking on something else on something that you like. Don’t think about alcohol and how you wish to clean yourself, because you are actually in that moment not thinking about cleaning, you are thinking about your shot, think about that new car you wish to buy, think on the money you will save when you are over with this thing. Empower yourself with a new thought a better one and the moment will pass away. Its about winning against the moments, taking small steps, replacing the negative thought for the positive one. Also one can do it on completely another way, because you body is addicted you can try to learn your own body something new. For instance, when you get in to the crisis, when you start thinking about it, buy yourself a chowing gums but strong ones. Every time when the thought about your favorite drink pops out, take a chewing gum. The strong taste is going to change your focus and its going to change your thoughts level, its going to send you on the better road on the road of the healthier life. Also you need to know that to form a new habit it takes 21 days. That means that you should do it constantly every day, every moment for 21 days. After 21 days have passed you will become healed but let chewing gums in your pocked for the case that you need it. After three month are passed you can congratulate yourself, because you did it. After three moths it became the life style. You are completely clean, you healed yourself, now if this works against defeating your addiction what about setting yourself another goal in your life, about changing your life from the roots because what you just did can not every human being do. You are special. SET YOURSELF A GOAL AND GO GET IT BABY ! Thanks for reading !

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