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- Self - Confidence -

- Self - Confidence -

When we are talking about self confidence the thing is that we are talking about the faith in ourselves. At the end of the day to whom you are able to trust if not to yourself, to your own voice from within. The thing is that you are aware whats going on within you but you can not never be sure whats going within someone else, that’s the reason why you should believe in yourself. When you start to believe in yourself the other people are also starting to believe on you. You know its kinda logical everything start with you, and if you wish to change your life you need to change yourself. The truth is that it is hard to do but there are methods, there are always methods which true repetition are going to bring the fruit. The thing is, if you wish more out of the life, the my friend you need to start following yourself, you need to start following that whisper within you no matter what does it say. You need to become aware of it, because that’s the God part of you, that divine thing and more you are following it more you are becoming it, more you are becoming something else, more you are becoming the pure inspiration, because that is the inspiration, that’s the voice of creation a Voice of a GOD. Why to ignore God within yourself, how can you even find a courage to ignore it. If you are feeling sad, if you are feeling unhappy everything is because you are not following it, everything is because you are not aware of it. The path is called path of self conscious, path of self awareness, self mastery, self control. If you are not able to control yourself then someone other who is able to control himself is going to control you. Rather to choose to believe to that voice within you then to the other human beings. Because only when you start to believe in yourself, in that tiny little whisper you are truly going to become best version of you, you are truly become everything you ever wanted to become. DON’T IGNORE IT, FOLLOW IT !!!

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