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Truth Behind The TELEVISION

Truth Behind The TELEVISION

You know, if I tell you that you are living in the cruel world I do not know are you going to believe it, probably it depends how old you are. But the thing is that we do. Today I am going to share with you a forbidden knowledge behind the Television. Did you ever asked yourself why does TV program is called TV program. The secret lies in the second word and the word is program. I do not know how aware you but the truth is that human beings are able to be programmed, one of the method is for instance hypnosis. But the most developed method is actually TV. The TV is nothing else then the object which is not only using electrical energy which you need to pay to use it, but also he is a receiver. But what does he receives. Well he receives a program which you wish to look and the thing is that when you are changing the program on your TV you are actually only tuning the frequency of your TV with the frequency of the TV house which is broadcasting the program. That means the the TV station is nothing else the transmitter of the frequency and your TV is a receiver and indeed it is so. But here gets tricky. The thing is that you are not able to influence on the program which you are looking. The program shedule is always already made from someone else. Also the thing is that when you are sitting in front of you TV and when you are looking it, you are willingly taking the information’s on which you do not have the influence. Also the truth is as you are sitting there you are actually relaxing, that means that you are not aware of the things, that you are in those moments working unconsciously, you are not aware of the actions and that’s also the truth. Also the thing is because you are unconsciously taking those information’s on which you do not have influence your consciousness is not in defense mode, because your consciousness is actually a defense mechanism which is guarding your subconscious mind. That means if there is no guard, which is watching or I could say defending your subconscious mind then everything you are taking, all those information’s are actually directly going in your subconscious mind, and also if you hear some information which had evoked or I could say made a emotional connection, then that information is directly penetrating in the deepest corner of your subconscious mind and its going to be stored permanently there. In your subconscious mind are all your habits, all the things which you are doing automatically, which do not require your awareness or I could say focus. Did you ever asked yourself, why do you think so much ? Its not because you should, its because your mind is full of I could say crappy information which you are collecting from everywhere. Try to focus yourself on one particular thing at the time and only think about that particular thing. If you are not able to do it, that means that your focus does not belong to you anymore, it belongs to everyone else, to everyone which knows how to use it against you. To achieve the ultimate focus you need to learn to shut down, to achieve the calmness of the mind. Almost no one is anymore able to achieve it, because information’s are everywhere where you look around. Also my dear friend, every time when you are watching TV, know that you are taking all those information’s on which you do not have influence. The thing is that TV Program is called PROGRAM because he is PROGRAMING YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND. He is actually shaping your way of thinking, shaping your thoughts. Ask yourself, are your thoughts really your ? Don’t be afraid to answer yourself honest ? If the answer is negative then my friend you will know that everything about I am talking about here is nothing else then the truth. Thanks for reading and God Bless You !

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