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- Why Should Government Cancel Student Debts -

- Why Should Government Cancel Student Debts -

Hey everyone, also the truth is that to become successful you do not need to go to school. The richest people on the planet are the people without the college degree, those are the facts. We live in the society where if your kids do not go to the college they are labeled as less worth. The truth is that they are not. The thing is that trough our education system we are not getting anythings except that our children are going to be in debts and that it would need to work really hard for first 10 years of they life to pay it of. Also the truth is that the richest people on the planet are not the people who graduated or are the best in the class on some business college. The thing is that our education system is not teaching the kids how to make money, they are teaching them to work for the money. They are teaching our kids how to memorize things. To learn the kids how to make money is forbidden knowledge. That’s the reason why no matter what college degree you have, if you do not know how to menage money, with the time you are going to face yourself with bankruptcy. Also the truth is that our kids are getting evaluated not on the principle how good they can think, but instead of that they are evaluated how good they can memorize things out of the books. I will never say that the books are bad because the truth is that they are developing your perspective, they are expanding your point of view and as such they are always positive. The thing is that the Government do not wish for your child to become successful, they just wish that your child is like everyone else, the slave of the system which is going to pay the taxes. You know what type of life is when you need to pay taxes and ask yourself is it going to stay enough for you and your family so you can at least live one month as a decent human being. Also the thing is that thinking is not memorizing. Thinking is mind process where you are facing yourself with the problem, and you are trying to find a solution. To find a solution you need to start thinking creative, and creative way of thinking is only way of thinking. Creative way of thinking is real thinking. You are out of nothing making something, you are repairing, improving. That’s the reason why the majority is living the average life, because they never learned how to think creative and when they get in to the life problems they only think about problems never asking themselves how they can solve it, because every time when you ask yourself something, you are directly commanding to your mind to start calculating, to start searching the possibilities how you can find solution. As you can see the thinking is not what you think that thinking is. The thinking is not dreaming and not taking the actions towards your dreams, thinking is not replaying whole day memories in your mind, thinking is nothing else then the inspiration, creativity on it finest.

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