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You are NOT what You Think ABOUT

You are NOT what You Think ABOUT

To many people these days are attached to the ego they possess. Your life is a product of your ego and you can accomplish so much in live as much your ego is going to serve you. Every human life is beautiful and as such special. The truth is that there are always things you wish to improve on yourself or I could say to change. The changes are always good sing a positive one, but to make a change you need to fight against yourself, against your ego. The truth is that if you wish more for yourself you need to match that desire with your focus or I could say with the power of the will, because only if you know how to use the power of the will you also know how to win against yourself, against your ego. The thing is that mostly when we wish to change something on our self it is always our bad habit. The thing is that we human being are habitual beings, that we are actually made of habits. Everyone of us knows someone witch won against himself and made that change, the one we wish to do. But how did they do it, how did they succeed in achieving on the first hand really easy thing to do, but the truth is that its really hard. The truth lies first of all in the decision. Your decision needs to be so strong that you are not going against it no matter what, no matter in what psychical or emotional state you find yourself. Also the truth lies in your awareness. When I say awareness then I think about how aware you are of your thoughts or are you even aware of them. The thing is that to win against no matter what habit or I could say addiction because habits are nothing else then the addictions, you need to become aware of the thoughts, or of the pattern of the thoughts which are triggering your bad behavior. When you are aware of your thoughts, when you notice that that negative thought pops out, when she is there to send you on the path that you don’t wish to go anymore, you can consciously because you are aware of it make the decision that you are not going to do it. You see, when you are aware of your thoughts that means that you can choose what thoughts you are going to live. Also the truth is that you don’t need to live every thought you have. The thing is that we all should learn how to become observers of our own thoughts, of our own mind. Our mind is the strongest weapon out there, sadly most of the people never learned how to use it. That is also the reason why so many people these days are struggling with they life. The reason is simply because they are not aware of they thoughts, because they are not aware of the patterns or I could say the ways of they thinking. Patterns are nothing else the thoughts which are combined together and which are triggering some reaction, some unconscious reaction you do. To become self aware is not easy to achieve, because trough the self awareness you are also achieving self consciousness state of mind. Personally I could say the best state of mind which one can have, not only because you are aware of everything, but also because you are able to see what others really are, what really lies within every human being or I could say to be precise what for character one does have. Its a gift but also a curse at the same time, but everything which we get for free but not only for free we should be grateful for. So I am grateful for my self consciousness, I am also grateful for becoming a observer, because that’s only known way, at least for me, to shape my life on the daily basis. Thanks for reading a God Bless YOU !

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