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The Reality

The Reality

Living the Truth when almost no one hast the courage to do it I see the world different. I see so many people which are lost, which are ignoring themselves, which are afraid of themselves, which are not happy with themselves, with they relationship with other, with the society and with the system. In the society where the truth is called speech of hate, its really hard to be normal, but who says that I wish to be normal, because everything where I look around I see the normal things which have the potential to become extraordinary. Even tho the reality does not looks so beautiful one can decide to leave in the dreams, one can decide to live his own dreams, every moment, every second, every hour etc. The thing is that when one starts to lives his dreams hes not running away from the reality but hes using the truth to stay in the reality so he can see where to improve, so he can be a bit more closer to hes dream. From the day I started to follow myself everything changed, I changed. These days I am labeled as a crazy one. The real question is how is it even possible that people who are living lies are the normal ones and the ones who live truth are marked as a psychos. What a world, what a reality in which we are living. Lies are the most destructive thing which you can do to yourself, because trough lying you are losing yourself and your path, that is one of the reasons why I choose to live the truth but also because the truth is the strongest defense mechanism out there. The words of the truth are opening the hidden doors of the opponents mind and they are also making one conscious, conscious of himself and his own actions. That is probably reason why majority is avoiding it, because they do not wish to be aware of they actions, because they do not love what they do. First step to live the truth is wining against the fear which is called fear of others opinion. Its kinda really easy to win against this fear, but also this fear is main reason why so many dreams are destroy, why so many dreams are never achieved, why people with awesome ideas never tried to bring those ideas in to reality. This type of fear is easy to win against when ones learns and understands that everything what others are saying is nothing else then the opinion which they had at that particular moment. So why to be afraid of other opinions, why not to use the rule that the most important opinion you can have is your own. Dreams are nice, dreams are shiny but they are never going to become the reality if you hesitate, if you do not consciously take the risk so you can grow, not only as a person but as a human being. Dream is always going to stay the thought, the thought which to become reality, to manifest itself in reality needs to be worked upon. So my friend if you have those shiny dreams like everyone do, don’t be afraid to leave your comfort zone, don’t be afraid of what your parents, what other you know are going to think about you, what they are going to talk about you, because that is the first step you need to take to start working on your dreams. Also the truth is that when you start working on your dreams you need to know that you are going to change with the time, that in few years you are not going to be able to recognize yourself because its always so, because to reach your dreams you can not stay the same, because to reach your dreams you need to become something else, you need to become better version of yourself. And one more little tip at the end, the one which is going to change everything, follow that little voice within you, or in your head because some are calling it the voice in the head, but the truth is that it is the voice of your hearth, follow your hearth and your intuition because they somehow already know what is it that you wish to become. Stay Blessed !

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