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Where Do I Belong

Where Do I Belong

Did you ever asked yourself, where do you belong, what is the meaning of your life, whats the reason why you are sent on this planet, whats your purpose. I found out my purpose and it set my soul on fire, it set my soul on the path of the risk, it set my soul on the path of persistence on the path of  patience. I know where I do belong, I belong here, I belong to the moment, to these moment where I am going to seize it and make the most beautiful story you will ever read in your life. Everything started when I found myself, when I discovered that tiny little whisper within me, the whisper which changed my life. The whisper which is transforming me every day, which is sending me every day on the places where I see parts of the manifestation. Did you ever lose the faith in the God ? Did you ever think about yourself as the Son of the God ? We know that there is only one God and it will always be, we know that he made everything or its everything lie. Did you ever think about not thinking, about the blank space in the deepest corner of your mind, did you ever think about universe. What if I tell you that we human being are creating the universe trough the power of our thoughts and that you can be whatever you wish to be if you learn how to control your thoughts. Do you know that you are what you think about. Maybe in the past you heard about this quote but you do not know what does it mean. What if I say you that you do not need to live every thought you have and that when we are talking about addictions there is simple way to heal yourself from every addiction you have now or you will have in the future. What if I tell you that you can be happy in every moment of you life, that you can be abundant in every aspect of your life. Would you believe me or you would say its a dream, its a lie. Lets say there is a glass and that glass is filled half with water. If I set you a question and you can only decide between two options what option will you chose. Is the glass half full or half empty ? Through what perspective are you looking at the world, the positive or the negative one, your answer lies in the answer on the previous question. Did you know that the words and the thoughts are the most powerful weapon out there. Did you know that you can wipe all your thoughts, did you know that if you give to much information’s in small amount of time you can wipe other human being, you can disconnect him from his own world and make him purposely to make the connection with his conscious. Do you know that you can manipulate your soul and trough that manipulation you can influence your life. Did you ever try to live in the moment. Do you even know how does it looks like to be aware of the moment, do you know how to seize the moment. Do you know that when you learn to seize the moment you can achieve everything you wish. There is no wish you can not fulfill if you learn to seize the moment, but to seize the moment you first need to be learn how to manipulate your soul. You see, everything is connected, your body is nothing else then the vessel of the soul, to control your body you need to control your soul. Not easy task but if you put persistence you will master it. Do you know that if you achieve this type of the mastery you are same as the God. Do you know that every human being is a real child of the God. Do you know that every human being is part of the God and as such hes child. Child of the God is at least what we can say. This and so many others information’s you can teach if you give yourself time and read my previous posts. Stay Blessed !

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