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How to Cleanse SOLAR PLEXUS

Cleansing The Solar Plexus Chakra

When we are talking about the Solar Plexus chakra, then we are talking about the will power. The thing is that we are living in the world where there are so many disappointments, where most of the people did not become what they wanted to be, they did not achieve what they wished to achieve. The lack of the will power is the problem which almost all human beings on this planet have, and to achieve that level of the ultimate power of the will we need to cleanse or to clear our Solar Plexus because only when we cleanse our Solar Plexus Chakra our level of will power is going to growth. Solar Plexus chakra is fogged trough the shame and disappointments. It somehow makes sense because the things in which we are disappointment also are the things of which we are shamed of the most. The thing is that no matter on what type of disappointment we met in our life we need to let it go. You see even you are maybe disappointed and you shame yourself of those things you need to know that everything is a piece of past. If you focus your mind on disappointment only more of it you will get in your life. Focus yourself now, the last time on it, focus like you never focused before, and let it go, let it vanish in the past, forgive yourself because you deserve it. Don’t be shamed of that experience because its part of you, accept it. Trough that shameful experience you only come on the piece of the knowledge how some thing did not work, and because you now know what is it that you do not need to do in the future you also know whats the way you should go to accomplish it. To forgive yourself is never easy, but you are forgiving yourself to let it go, to left it there where it belongs, in the past. Why should you live in the past when there is so many new moments you need to experience in the future. The future is always shiny, it can be everything you wish to be if you focus your mind only on the things which you wish to experience in your life. You see no matter how big that disappointment was, its only a experience, a memory, but also the piece of knowledge you have, a piece of life experience. Never allow to be hurt’ed because you came on the piece of the life knowledge. The life is only school which does not comes with guide, and every piece of the wisdom you can get is good, because its expanding your point of view, its expanding you perspective. Never be afraid of the problems, embrace them and attack them, focus your mind on the solution not on the problem itself. When you let it go, you will notice how something changed within you, how you became more productive how you became more creative, how somehow you are finding more time do to all those things you need to do. You see the will power is when not one of the most important things in the life, because if you do not posses will power then you also with time are going to lose the willingness for living and when you lose it, you will lose the hope and that my friend you should never allow to yourself, because that’s the one way ticket in to death. The thing about Chakras is that, when you start cleansing your chakras you cant stop it, until all chakras are not cleansed but when you cleanse your chakras, all chakras, your life is going to change, you perspective is going to change, you are going to experiences everything you wish to experience because clearing all your chakras is the way of not only self founding, not only a way of self-control, not only a way of self-discipline but also the way of the self-consciousness and of inner peace. God Bless you and have a nice day !

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