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Conquering Subconscious Mind

Conquering Subconscious Mind

When we are talking about the Conscious Human mind them we are talking about particular type of mind, about the habitual mind, about the mind where all are habits are stored. This type of mind is working 95% of the day and when you wish to change yourself or to be precise to change one of your habits this type of mind is your worst enemy. The truth is that as a kids this type of mind is operating our system and this type of mind is recording all the information’s until the age of seven. The kids are the best learners on this planet, there is nothing which they can not learn in no time. Problem with grow human being are facing is that they do not know the ways how to learn new things or to be precise how to learn the new habit the positive one. The first method which we can use is the repetition. That means, that new habit we need to do so many times until it is not become the habit. Same works with the unlearning the old habit, the bad one. We need to do opposite thing so many times until the pattern of that habit is not broken and until the subconscious mind has not learn the new pattern or to be precise until it didn’t learn the new habit the better one. One of the best method I could say is the hypnosis. You can allow yourself to be hypnotized from someone else or you can also do it on your own. The method is quiet simple. Record the positive affirmations which you wish to have, to integrate in your system as a MP3, as a song and when you go to sleep put your earphones on and play the song. At the start before you fall in to the sleep everything is going to be normal because you are working in the conscious state of mind, but when you fall asleep those affirmations are directly going to penetrate your subconscious mind. You see your conscious mind is nothing else then the defense mechanism which is defending your subconscious mind. But when you sleep you are not conscious, you are on your own with your subconscious mind. The defense mechanism is off, hes sleeping and there is no one anymore to defend your subconscious mind. The thing is that you need to take par sessions until results do not manifest themselves in the reality. Also the thing is that your subconscious mind is nothing else then the CD which is playing programs which you learned as a child, which you learned from your parents. If you wish to live the life your parents lived I do not have anything against it, but if you wish to achieve more, then you need to work on your subconscious mind or to be precise on your habits because your habits are stored in your subconscious mind. The first method, also the repetition is the brutal way which you can use to achieve it, its a painful method and the best one to be honest. The second one is less painful because everything is happening in your sleep but its also a method which brings the same results. The thing about first method is only that you are consciously fighting against yourself, which of course is shaping your spirit, because your spirit is aware of those moments, its aware of the moments when you consciously decided to go against yourself for your better. But you know how they say NO PAIN, NO GAIN ! I would honestly recommend this method, at least to try. Even if you fail don’t be afraid to try one more time, because those failures are nothing else then the learning process and they are not describing your character. Even if they do, the only possible thing they can say about you is that you are a person with a persistence, the one which does not knows for lose, for failure, the warrior of the world. 

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