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How to Turn a New Page in Life

How to Turn a New Page in Life

Did you ever wanted to have another life, to live another way, to have more in life ? Most of us did, most of wish to achieve it, but most of us don’t also know how to achieve it. On the start to make things clear, we need to know that our life is the reflection of the story we are telling to ourselves. That means if we wish to live another life, the one which our hearth is seeking we need to change our story or I could say talk we are talking to ourselves. You see the thing is that if you say to you that something negative is going to happened in most cases it will going to happened because you are excepting it. But about feelings maybe some other time. The thing is that we live in the modern word, in the world of information and all information you need are out there, you just need to find them and integrate them in your system. No matter what sickness you have, no matter how do you feel in this particular moment or in some other moment, everything is because of the story. So my friend to change the story you first need to become aware of the story. Lets say that you are fighting against the addiction, against the alcohol or the cigarettes. The thing is that addiction is nothing else then the habit. So now to make things more clearer, when you notice that you wish to take that cigarette or when you wish to take that glass of alcohol there is going to pop the voice in your head which is going to say you go take it, smoke it, drink it. That voice my friend is the story you are telling to yourself. You need to change that voice. When you became aware of that voice also I could say when you became conscious of that voice in the moment when the voice says go do it, go take it, you can influence it and say to yourself, I won against that, I won against the cigarette addiction, I won against the alcohol addiction, I choose to walk other path, the better one, the healthier one. You see, in the moment when you change the story you are also going to give a new input to your mind, an input that you are searching for the improvement, an input that you do not like this type of life and that you wish to be free. Also the truth is that you need to do it for some amount of time. The thing is that you need to discipline or I could say to focus yourself on that voice and change the negative talk with the positive one every time when you notice that the talk is negative and is not going in the way you wish to go. This kinds of discipline is nothing else then the tiny little drop of water in the ocean of discipline. Also when you change in that particular moment the story, you will also notice that in that particular moment you won against yourself, you won against your habit. The most people never achieve this type of awareness because they do not know how to fight against it and they think its a hard fight, when the truth is totally opposite. The truth is that the fight is actually really simple, the only thing which can get you out of the tract is your power of the will or I could say your focus. You see your mind can be your best friend or it can be your best enemy. So my friend every time when that negative voice pops out, don’t you ever ignore it, just change the story, say to yourself something beautiful, and focus yourself on the ultimate goal, on the goal how you healed yourself. Try it and you will see that its working flawlessly. Put a bit discipline in yourself for yourself and in 21 days you are going to see that you did the most hardest thing which one can do. You won against yourself. Thanks for reading and God Bless You !

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